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PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act)

  1. Abran, A. et al. (Eds.): Applied Software Measurement. Shaker Publ., 2006
  2. Arthur, L.J.: Rapid Evolutionary Development - Requirements, Prototyping & Software Creation. John Wiley & Sons, New York 1992
  3. Büren, G.; Bundschuh, M.; Dumke, R.: Software-Messung in der Praxis. Shaker Publ., 2003 (ISBN 3-8322-2146-8)
  4. Card, D. N.: Making Measurement Understandable. IEEE Software, January/February 2000, pp. 95-96
  5. Curtis, B.: Measurement and Experimentation in Software Engineering.Proceedings of the IEEE, 68(1980)9, pp. 1144-1157
  6. Dumke, R.: Software Measurement Frameworks. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress for Software Quality (Vol. III), Munich, September 2005, pp. 75-84, 2005
  7. Dumke, R.; Abran, A. (Eds): Investigations in Software Measurement. Shaker Publ., 2003
  8. Dumke, R.; Ebert. C.; Heidrich, J.; Wille, C.: Messung und Bewertung von Software - Stand der Technik und Ausblick. Informatik-Spektrum, 36(2013)6, S. 508-519
  9. Dumke, R. et al.: Software Process and Product Measurement. Springer Publ., New York, Berlin Heidelberg, 2009
  10. Dumke, R.; Lehner, F.: Software-Metriken – Entwicklungen, Werkzeuge und Anwendungsverfahren. Deutscher Universitätsverlag, Wiesbaden, 2000
  11. Dumke, R.; Rombach, D. (Eds.): Software-Messung und Bewertung. Deutscher Universitätsverlag, Wiesbaden, 2002 (254 p.) ISBN 3-8244-7592-8
  12. Ebert, C.; Dumke, R.; Bundschuh, M.; Schmietendorf, A.: Best Practices in Software Measurement. Springer Publ., 2004
  13. Fenton, N. E.; Pfleeger, S. L.: Software Metrics - a rigorous and practical approach. Thompson Publ., 1997
  14. Gaffney et al.: The Software Measurement Guidebook. Thomson Publ., 1995
  15. Garmus, D.; Herron, D.: Measuring the Software Process - a Practical Guide to Functional Measurement. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Publ, 1996
  16. Goodman, P.: The Practical Implementation of Software Metrics. McGraw-Hill Inc., 1993
  17. Keyes, J.: Software Engineering Handbook. Auerbach Publ., 2003
  18. Kitchenham, B. A.: Software Metrics – Measurement for Software Process Improvement. NCC Blackwell Ltd, 1996
  19. Munson, J. C.: Software Engineering Measurement. Auerbach Publ., CRC Press, 2003
  20. Shepperd, M.: Foundations of Software Measurement. Prentice Hall Publ., 1995
  21. Software Productivity Consortium: The Software Measurement Guidebook. Thomson Computer Press, 1995