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Software Benchmarks & ISBSG (International Software Benchmark Standard Group)

  1. Abran, A.; Braungarten, R.; Dumke, R. R.: The second generation of the ISBSG Effort Estimation Prototype. In: Dumke/Abran: Investigations in Software Measurement, Shaker Publ., 2003, pp. 218-231
  2. Abran, A., Dumke, R., Desharnais, J., Ndyaje, I., Kolbe, C.: A strategy for a credible & auditable estimation process using the ISBSG International Data Repository. In: IWSM’02: Software Measurement and Estimation. Dumke, R., Abran, A., Bundschuh, M., Symons, C., 12th International Workshop on Software Measurement, Magdeburg, October 2002, Shaker, Aachen (2002) pp. 246-258
  3. Camp, R. C. et al.: Benchmarking. Hanser Verlag, München Wien (Austria), 1994
  4. Dekkers, T.: Benchmarking is an essential control mechanism for management. In: Büren, G.; Bundschuh, M.; Dumke, R.: MetriKon 2005 - Praxis der Software-Messung. Shaker-Verlag, Aachen, 2005, S. 273-288
  5. Dery, D.; Abran, A.: Investigation of the Effort Data Consistency in the ISBSG Repository. In: Abran, A.; Dumke, R.: Investigations in Software Measurement. Shaker-Verlag, Aachen, 2005, S. 123-136
  6. Dumke, R.; Schmietendorf, A.; Seufert, M.; Wille, C.: Handbuch der Softwareumfangsmessung und Aufwandschätzung. Logos-Verlag, Berlin, 2014
  7. Ebert, C.: Benchmarking - Experiences and Guidelines for Improvement; in Seufert/Ebert/Fehlmann/Pechlivanidis/Dumke: MetriKon 2015 - Praxis der Software-Messung, Shaker-Verlag, Aachen, 2015, S. 195-208
  8. Fernandes-Diego, M.; Elmouaden, S.; Torralba-Martinez, J.: Software Effort Estimation Using NBC and SWR: A Comparison Based on ISBSG Projects. In: Abran et al.: IWSM/Mensura Proceedings 2012, CPS Publishing Service, Session 3B (online)
  9. Gencel, C.; Buglione, L.; Abran, A.: Improvement Opportunities and Suggestions for Benchmarking. In: Abran/Braungarten/Dumke/Cuadrado-Gallego/ Brunekreef: Software Process and Product Measurement. LNCS 5891, 2009, S. 144-156
  10. Heeringen, v. H.; Symons, C.: The Performance of Business Application, Real-Time and Component Software Projects - An Analysis of COSMIC measured Projects in the ISGSG Datebase. internal Report, COSMIC Community, February 2012
  11. Hill, P. R.:The benchmark release 8 – Analyses of the factors that affect the project duration, quality & productivity of software development & enhancement projects & package customisation projects. 2004 www.isbsg.org (accessed on January 31, 2010).
  12. Hill, P.: The Software Metrics Compendium. ISBSG Publishing, ASMA, 2002
  13. ISBSG (International Software Benchmarking Standards). 2004. ISBSG Estimating, Benchmarking and Research. Suite R9, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia: ISBSG Press.
  14. ISBSG 1996: Benchmarking Repository Release 3. ISBSG Publishing, ASMA, 1996
  15. ISBSG. 2003. ISBSG Estimating, Benchmarking & Research Suite Release 8. The International Software Benchmarking Standards Group, www.isbsg.org (accessed on January 31, 2010).
  16. ISBSG. 2001. Practical Project Estimation. The International Software Benchmarking Standards Group, www.isbsg.org (accessed on January 31, 2010).
  17. ISBSG 2003. ISBSG Software Project Estimation – A Workbook for Macro-Estimation of Software Development Effort and Duration. Melbourne, 2003
  18. ISBSG. 2003. Software Development Projects Sector Report - Government Sector. The International Software Benchmarking Standards Group, www.isbsg.org (accessed on January 31, 2010).
  19. ISBSG. 2002. The Software Metrics Compendium. The International Software Benchmarking Standards Group, www.isbsg.org (accessed on January 31, 2010).
  20. ISBSG. 2005. Functional Sizing Methods. The International Software Benchmarking Standards Group, www.isbsg.org/isbsg.nsf/weben/Functional%20Sizing %20Methods, (accessed on January 31, 2010).
  21. ISBSG: Data of the ISBSG R 10 Demographics ISBSG 2011: see in www.cosmicon.com
  22. ISBSG 2013: Comparative Estimating Tool – User Guide. www.isbsg.org/ isbsgnew.nsf/ WebPages/, 2013
  23. Lokan, C.; Wright, T.; Hill, P. R; Stringer, M.: Organizational Benchmarking Using the ISGSG Data Repository. IEEE Software, Sept./Oct. 2001, pp. 26-32
  24. Software Project Estimation – A Workbook for Macro-Estimation of Software Developmet Effort and Duration. Melbourne, 2003
  25. Trendowicz, A.: Software Cost Estimation, Benchmarking, and Risk Assessment. Springer-Verlag, Berlin New York, 2013
  26. Wu, H.; Zhong, Y.; Chen, Y.: A software reliability prediction model based on benchmark measurement. The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (ICIME), 2010, pp. 131-134